Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"ThErE iS a PaRt Of Me ThAt'S gOnA bE iN lOvE wItH yOu FoR tHe ReSt Of My LiFe!" :)

"I realize that no guy will never be right for me, not after I met you"

"On OnE cAn EvEr FiLl ThAt PlAcE aNd I kNoW nO oNe ElSe WiLl NeVeR tAkE tHaT pLaCe."

"Love is giving someone the power to brake your heart, but trusting not to."

"If I cOuLd HaVe OnE dAnCe WiTh YoU I'D pLaY a SoNg ThAt LaSt FoReVeR."

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