Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"ThErE iS a PaRt Of Me ThAt'S gOnA bE iN lOvE wItH yOu FoR tHe ReSt Of My LiFe!" :)

"I realize that no guy will never be right for me, not after I met you"

"On OnE cAn EvEr FiLl ThAt PlAcE aNd I kNoW nO oNe ElSe WiLl NeVeR tAkE tHaT pLaCe."

"Love is giving someone the power to brake your heart, but trusting not to."

"If I cOuLd HaVe OnE dAnCe WiTh YoU I'D pLaY a SoNg ThAt LaSt FoReVeR."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is charity? It is being virtuous, to have the pure love of christ. It is unconditional love that never faileth, to give of self fully, to have empathy, to put yourself in others shoes and be forgiving, it is selfess. To truly have charity and give of self we first need to have charity for ourselves. We cannot truly give of ourselves if we cannot see ourselves the way the Lord would have us see eachother. Christ showed the most perfect love when he let others put nails in his feet and hands because he loved them. He is our perfect example of what it means to have pure and perfect love.

Friday, September 17, 2010

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge, him and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

I quote this to myself every morning to remind myself that I can always be happy if I trust in the Lord for support through trials and hard times. My mom gave this scripture to me when I was deciding to serve a full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or finish school. When I learned to trust in the Lord and find his will for me, I went and served my mission in the Denver Colorado South Mission and loved it so much. By the time I was to go home, it was harder to leave than it was to go out.

I now am home and working on finishing my schooling at BYU-I. It continues to amaze me, how the Lord continues to bless my life as I continue to trust in Him.